Thursday, May 25, 2006

we're all so bad at it

Why are we all such shits? Why are people so nasty to each other? Even in our most well-meaning moments, we manage to hurt each other, step on toes, miss signals, selfishly monopolize attention or energy, demand too much, ignore impulses, give in to other impulses, fuck up in general. We are hurting and we hurt each other. Right now I want to wound someone. I'm feeling tired and unappreciated. I feel I haven't had enough attention. I feel, in this moment, I need to learn to be more selfish. Or something. Tomorrow I'll wake up rested (hopefully) and with a new perspective. Maybe I won't anymore want to hurt anyone. Maybe I'll feel a full wave of apology for my attitude or behavior tonight. But for right now, right in this moment, I feel a bit unloved and childishly brutal. And it sucks.


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