Thursday, August 31, 2006


A quickie from the thick of my first week of school. My schedule is keeping me on my toes, which is a nice change from my uber-slack summer. The school part isn't so bad, but the work part is a little grueling. I work until midnight four nights a week but still have to get up relatively early every morning to do school stuff. As the week progresses, I feel more and more like a zombie.

I'm faring better than a first year student I saw in the women's restroom of the LRC on Monday. She walked in looking frazzled and said "I just hit the wall" -- meaning: I have reached my maximum capacity for this experience. Poor thing. She could only have had the pleasure of two hours of class by that time and already she was hitting the wall. I wanted to pat her on the arm and tell her it gets better. Because it does. She'll see.

As for me, I've got to be up and on campus by nine for a Comparative Criminal Procedure seminar. I'm interested in the subject and I love the professor (she's tough, thorough and very, very clear -- she's also got a dry wit and a very sharp eye... she can be kind of scary actually). It only meets on Thursdays and it meets for three hours, which borders on unbearable, but in the right professor's hands, it might not be so bad. We'll see. Now sleep time. More soon.


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