Thursday, March 16, 2006

eat that, atkins fanatics

I just ran across this interesting and, in my not-so-humble-opinion, completely obvious bit of reporting on the yahoo news. Check it out:

In a nutshell: Eating animals doesn't make you lose weight, duh! In fact, eating animals (and their fatty, proteiny products) makes you *gain* weight. Specifically, researchers studied meat eaters, fish eaters, vegetarians and vegans over a five year period and found that they all gained at least some weight, but that the meat eaters gained the most weight and the vegans gained the least. They noted that, contrary to the atkins myth, low-carb/high protein diets were NOT associated w/ weight loss. Quite the opposite. Low-carb/high protein diets were associated with the most weight gain of all the groups studied.

Thank god the obvious has finally been proved scientifically. Now stop deluding yourselves, atkins people! Put down those hunks of cheese and handfuls of bacon and eat some freaking fruits and vegetables for a change! Or at least stop pretending you're on a "diet." We're all onto you now.


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