Friday, August 11, 2006

the breakup: everything that's wrong with anything that was ever wrong

Last night, SK and I went to see this Jennifer Anniston, Vince Vaughn nightmare, The Breakup. It fucking sucked. If you think you might want to watch it and you think you might like it, stop reading right now. Not because I'm afraid I'll ruin it for you, but because I don't like you anymore and don't want you to read my blog.

The Breakup. For christ's sake, it was like watching a terrible trainwreck with a lot of senseless violence and destruction, all the time knowing that you'd seen that trainwreck before, lots of times, and asking yourself, "why the hell am I watching this, what's wrong with me??" Yet you're still sitting there, watching.

First of all: the fighting. Entirely too realistic. Not funny. All the screaming and yelling and treating each other like shit. The friends who are dragged into the middle. The nasty things said on both sides. The manipulation. The lack of communication. It was depressing and terrible to watch and not even a tiny bit entertaining. It was too much like everyone's worst example of a bad relationship and I wondered at every turn "why make a movie out of this? What does the movie add to our understanding of this kind of relationship?" Turned out, nothing.

Then the complete unredeemability of Vince Vaughn's character. He was a big, funny, stupid guy who wanted to play video games all the time or watch sports on tv, who never helped around the house, who took all his girlfriend's contributions to the house and the relationship for granted and who thought that sex was a "nice thing he could do for her that she hadn't had to ask for." Gag. I know all men aren't this fucking stupid and useless, but in the case of those men who are, why are there Jennifer Annistons out there willing to put up with their shit and wait around for it all to get better? In my opinion, all parties can just rot together, it's pathetic.

Gawd, that movie put me in such a bad mood. I left the theater with a big, fat headache, thinking how depressing humans are, how immature and ridiculous and ill-equipped for adult relationships we are, myself included. Even with SK, who is trained in an awareness style, a communication style, that would seem to support the development of great, wonderful relationships -- things are still rocky and complicated and painful. Why? Isn't it possible for something to be simple, peaceful, relaxed and still meaningful and fulfilling? Are we just destined to keep hurting each other and fucking things up, for all time and eternity? I hope not.


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