Thursday, December 29, 2005

good morning starshine

It is 4:19am and I do not need to be up this early. I stayed the night in the house where my "stepson" has been housesitting for the past few days. He's driving me to the airport at 6:30 and sleeping near him seemed like the best option. I say "near" because he's not sleeping here, he's across the street at his dad's. Now I know why.

The fat, geriatric dog who lives here has been keeping an all-night vigil. Once or twice an hour he ungracefully drags himself in through his doggy door and paces up and down the hall by my bedroom and the through the kitchen and living room, his long nails clacking on the hardwoods. Once his rounds are complete, he drags himself back out that loud door and into the yard, presumably to keep up the watch outside. Maybe he's missing his mommy, or maybe he's just old and neurotic, I don't know, but he sounds like a sack of potatoes every time he hits the floor. No matter how many times during the night he does it, it continues to startle me awake.

Not to mention the woman's alarm clock went off at 4. After that, he's increased his rounds to five minute intervals. It's that time of the morning, I guess. His mom's usually up and probably tending to him. I feel bad for him, but Jesus. Some sleep would be nice. For both of us, I think.


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