Thursday, January 26, 2006

scorpionic word of the day


One entry found for diapause.
Main Entry: dia·pause
Pronunciation: 'dI-&-"poz
Function: noun
Etymology: Greek diapausis pause, from diapauein to pause, from dia- + pauein to stop
: a period of physiologically enforced dormancy between periods of activity

Thanks Merriam-Webster

This was inspired by a story I read today about a scorpion that survived for 15 months without food and water after being inadvertently plastered into a crack in a dinosaur fossil by scientists who were attempting to preserve the fossil for future study. The scientist who discovered the scorpion was chipping the plaster away from the fossil when he noticed the scorpion wiggling out of a crack. Refreshingly wonderful to hear that, in the interest of respecting the scorpion's great will to live, the scientist took the scorpion out to a field and turned it loose. Thank you, compassionate scientist.

Diapause describes the state the scorpion entered in order to survive so long without food or water. What dreams come to a scorpion while plastered into the crack of a dinosaur fossil for 15 months? What a dreaming space, a healing journey, a 15-month sleep. Diapause.


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