Wednesday, March 22, 2006

lent is for losers

Not really. Just being inflammatory. Sad to report my lent experiment has been an all-around bust. It was a nice idea when I first had it, but life circumstances got in the way and I just couldn't stick with it. Some of my goals, however, have been easy to meet: I have been driving my car much less, taking the bus to work every day. I've also been walking a lot, which has been great. At least one sweet little walk through my neighborhood every day. Helping my mental health a lot. And, now that SK's gone, the no-sex thing is pretty easy. And the vegan thing...? Well, I hardly eat meat anyway, so that's been easy. I haven't gone completely off dairy, but I'm not buying any *new* dairy, just finishing up the things that were left over in my fridge.

My biggest lent failures? Alcohol and daily meditation. Seems I've had them mixed up. Daily alcohol and no meditation. Well... not entirely true, but may as well be. I haven't really meditated (not the way I planned to when I made my lent list) and I have had a few drinks here and there, but mostly in moderation... mostly.

My newest goal is to stop spending money. Now that my student loan cushion has basically gone flat, I've got to get a lot tighter. Oh well. At least I'm working more now, that helps. Maybe I should put one of those cyber tip-jars on my site. That way, all five of the people who are reading this could subsidize my lifestyle. Ha. Or roll their eyes and decide to quit reading.


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