Saturday, March 18, 2006

little blue fish

A couple days before SK left (which feels like a century ago, but which was, in fact, only six days ago), she bought me a little hot-water bottle from Food Front in the shape of a fish. SK has this thing for hot-water bottles -- I think it's a British thing. At any rate, it's pretty endearing. At SK's house it seems there's an empty hot-water bottle somewhere in every room, like easter eggs, strangely pastel and lying in unlikely places. I think she has 100 of them, but she only admits to having something like four. Seems underestimated.

I was skeptical when she first started talking about hwb's -- seemed like a pain in the ass and a recipe for disaster (boiling water exploding from a rubber bladder at the foot of your bed? no thanks...) But now that I have my very own I've had a change of heart. First of all -- it's shaped like a fish! It's adorable! Also, it's sort of small and perfect for sliding between my low back and my chair -- great for my fucked up back and also a nice way to raise core body temperature when I've been sitting still and studying so long that all my body systems have started shutting down. And, of course, it came from SK, so I love it.

But really, even if you've never met SK or if you can't get one in the ultra-adorable shape of a fish, you should still get one. They make the foot of the bed all cozy (and they really don't explode, unless maybe if you over-fill them or... you know... put them on the ground and stomp on them) -- and there's something really sweet and quaint about them. Simple. It's a rubber bottle full of hot-water and it helps keep you warm. Ingenious. If you live in Portland, you should totally go to Food Front for the fish-shaped variety. Otherwise, I have no fucking clue where you might get one. E-bay?


Blogger Patty said...

Hi! I'm hooked on reading your blog. I guess it appeals to me because you seem sincere when it comes to your emotions. Keep it up! :)

12:00 AM  

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