Saturday, April 01, 2006


Tonight, we had a "girl's night out" at the one and only Portland dyke bar, the Egyptian Club (or, the "E-room" as everyone in town calls it). It was Bec's *real* best friend, Aimee's suggestion. Aimee used to be a dyke a long time ago, but is now married to a man and mother of a one year old girl. She just moved to Portland in the past couple of months and she thought it would be fun for all of us "girls" (me, Bec, her and her husband's sister, Cammie) to go to the dyke bar. All three of them have lived in New York for years. Bec still does, but Aimee and Cammie are now in Portland. I tried to warn Bec that, compared to any clubs they ever went to in NY, the E room was going to suck. A lot.

And it did. We sat there. It was loud. We talked some. We could hardly hear. It was boring. We moved to the karaoke room. The karaoke was bad. We tried not to laugh at the bad karaoke. Everyone was yawning by 9:45pm and finally, at 10, Bec said "Ok, I'm ready whenever you guys are."

You've never seen four women scramble out of a bar so fast.

Maybe we're all just too old. When Bec and I lived in Columbus, Ohio (of all places) we went to some great dyke clubs. Wall Street is the best dyke bar I've ever been to, and it's in downtown Columbus. Two stories, great dance floor, good music, hot chicks, pool tables, darts, good drinks. It was great. Nothing, so far, can compare with Wall Street. The E-room doesn't even come close.

Oh well. I guess it's not my scene anymore anyway. Probably a good thing.


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