Saturday, April 15, 2006

last night's culinary adventure

During my sad meanderings last night, I had this idea to make crepes and stewed apples. I'm not sure why, but I started craving them. So I looked up recipes online, walked to the co-op for ingredients and went home to begin. It was like some deleted scenes that never made it into "Like Water For Chocolate" -- I was reading the recipe, blending the flour and eggs, and crying and wailing about CB. Kind of hilarious, really. Today it seems hilarious. Last night, not so much.

The crepes came out ok, but my frying pan is shitty and so they stuck a little more than they should have. And the stewed apples were good but too sweet. Together, they were similar to the carmel apple empenada from taco bell that I love so much. I guess that says a lot about my standards.

Like I said, though, the over-all effect was too sweet, even though I put no sugar in the crepes and less than the recipe called for in the apples -- and I used ultra tart apples too. I was thinking maybe I should throw in some diced jalapenos next time and grate sharp cheddar over the top. That blend of sweet and hot might work --I'm thinking of pepper jelly -- has anyone ever tried it? It's especially good w/ cream cheese on crackers.

I'm making myself hungry.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've made pepper jelly and it's wonderful on cream cheese, and on tart apples too. It's easy to make.

I think the process of cooking taps something really deep.

2:51 PM  
Blogger reasonably prudent poet said...

amen. cooking is awesome. food is so basic and so taken for granted in this society. i've been hearing on NPR lately about this guy who wrote this book called 'the omnivore's dilemma' about the food-industrial-complex. pretty interesting. i put a copy on hold at the library. already there are 177 holds! i guess maybe i'll get my hands on it sometime in 2009...

6:53 PM  

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