Saturday, May 27, 2006

nothing pithy comes to mind

This weather is sending me into complete confusion. It was summer for two weeks. I wore shorts and tanktops and got a sunburn and cycled all over and started getting in shape. I lay in the grass at the park and stared up at the blue sky and nearly fell asleep. I gardened. I was happy.

Now it's back to being winter. Cold and incessantly rainy. I'm wearing long trousers again and layers upon layers. It's so gray outside my seratonin levels are dipping danergously low. Is it seratonin or melatonin that's enhanced by the sun? Can't remember. Whatever it is, it makes you happier. Now I'm in a constant dreamy haze, never quite sure I'm awake, never even sure I'm still alive. It's not so bad, it's just happening at the wrong time of the year. My body just isn't calibrated to appreciate dark-winter-feelings when bright-summer is supposed to be happening. I can't even write anything interesting in my blog. I'm just too confused.


Blogger David Appell said...

I can't even write anything interesting in my blog.
Not at all -- this was interesting. (And yes, this weather sucks. This is my first spring in Portland, but I didn't expect it would last only two weeks.)

3:25 PM  

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