Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Sorry, I prematurely announced the demise of my existential crisis. My life is stupid and meaningless. Everything I do, I do for entertainment or comfort, none of which have any lasting value. Lately, whenever SK finds herself whining about something she considers petty, she stops and says, "It's not so bad, really. At least we're not in Darfur." True enough. Except, maybe we *should* be in Darfur. Maybe we could find something meaningful to do there. Instead, I sit here wasting my summer days away, waiting for the Fall semester of a school program I'm no longer particularly moved by to start back up and start sucking up my "free" time with classes and homework, so I can graduate in December and immediately begin bar study for the February bar exam so I can -- what? Hope to find a job practicing law, something I stopped finding compelling about five months ago. I should've gone to nursing school with all the other laid-off social workers, at least then I'd have some useful, transferable, life-saving skills that could be helpful in, say, Darfur. Unlike my ability to read and understand a contract or to parse the language in a statute or to explain the difference between substantive and procedural due process, which I can't do anyway, because I forgot. Fuck it. I'm gonna go for a walk before I just get bratty.


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