Wednesday, July 19, 2006

happy 20th

Today is an anniversary of sorts for SK. She has officially been out of her little hometown (maybe you've heard of it? London, England?) for twenty long years, which is exactly as many long years as she lived there. So now she's spent half her life in London, and half her life out. Happy 20 years out, SK.

If I were celebrating an anniversary like that, I'm quite sure I'd be spending a lot of time in deep contemplation of the path I'd just traveled and the direction I was heading. I spend a lot of time thinking about that kind of stuff anyway, so a big anniversary would probably send me into some kind of irretrievable tailspin. Who knows.

As for me, I'm still trying to figure out a palatable career path as the end of my schooling rapidly approaches. I'm like the person who thought it would be really cool to go parachuting, who took the training course, learned how to do it, got all suited up and climbed into the plane, only to have a complete and total bat-shit crazy freak-out once the plane was the in the air and the door was open. "NOOOOOOOOO!!!!! I don't wanna, I don't wanna, I don't wanna, I don't wanna!!!!!!!!!!!" That's how I've been feeling for the past few months and I'm sure everyone around me (ie: SK and anybody who reads this blog) is sick of hearing about it.

So I'm updating my resume and contacting Legal Aid and hopefully something I can stomach will come along. I just got something in the mail from school recently announcing, among other things, that the Career Services department has just hired a full time Public Interest Law counselor to help people like me find jobs that aren't slimy. So I'll be making an appointment to talk to her as soon as the semester swings back to life next month. Yippee! The fucking summer is almost over! (Can you hear the panic?)


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