Thursday, July 20, 2006

mr. crankypants goes to nature

Due to inexplicable hormonal fluctuations, I have been a total crankypants asshole for a whole week now. I am so sorry to anyone (SK, especially, and some other innocent bystanders) who were on the recieving end of any of my snarkiness this week. Today took crankiness and compounded it with exhaustion and made me almost too tired to be cranky, but I still managed to behave less than pleasantly when SK started fleshing out a plan to camp up at Mirror Lake tomorrow. Instead of saying "Yay! SK, I love to camp! What a good idea!" -- I got whiny and unbearable when she suggested we swing by REI tonight after work to pick up a flashlight because we don't have a single one between us. What's worse -- I forgot I have *two* flashlights and we don't even need to buy one. God I'm an asshole. Anyway, if SK can still stand me, we'll be driving up to Mirror Lake near Mt. Hood tomorrow and it will be really nice. More to come whenever I return. Ciao.


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