Monday, October 23, 2006

calling cam coor

Recently, my sitemeter indicates I've been getting lots of hits from people searching for Cam Coor. This, to me, seems weird, and god help them if they've been able to find the tiny blip I wrote about him which is buried in the deepest depths of the archive. I'll make it easier: if you're looking for Cam Coor, go to the May 2006 archive and scroll down to the 16th, a post titled "now what." You'll find Cam mentioned, but it won't be all that interesting.

Cam is this guy I went to high school with. He had a flat-top and a trucker moustache and I thought he was pretty hot. I mentioned him in a post this spring and suddenly people searching for him are ending up on my blog. I did a google search for him myself, out of curiousity, and saw him listed as a board member of the North Carolina Flower Growers Association, which sounds pretty nice. I did an image search too, but nothing came up. Pretty disappointing. I wanted to see if he still had that awesome moustache.

Cam, if you're out there, searching for yourself on google, and you wind up on my site, post a comment and please tell me you still wear tight jeans and have the awesome moustache. Lie to me, if you have to. It would mean a lot to me.


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