good to know
When you have a thorough and well-prepared outline, a good paper practically writes itself! (Why did it take me four years of undergrad and three and a half years of post-grad education to learn this???)
"We are a small and lonely human race/ Showing no sign of mastering solitude/ Out on this stony planet that we farm./ The most that we can do for one another/ Is let our blunders and our blind mischances/ Argue a certain brusque abrupt compassion./ We might as well be truthful.../" From "Stepping Backward" -- a poem by Adrienne Rich
I'll be damned. That really works?
Don't feel bad. I didn't figure out until the last semester of college that no matter what I told myself I was never, ever going to start my papers until the night before they were due, so it was pointless to fret about them until then. So much wasted worrying!
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