Tuesday, February 13, 2007

the paper to prove it

It's official. I have a diploma.

Can I share with all of you that the most incredible and unrealistic paranoia overtook me at the end of my exams last semester and I had all but convinced myself that I had probably failed at least one if not all three of my last three classes? Why so psycho? Just because. It was the end of school, I was scheduled to take the bar, there was no room for error. Failing a class, not graduating... that would have *really* fucked things up in a not-so-easy-to-fix sort of way and, b/c I'm totally neurotic sometimes, I decided I must have failed.

I was so worried, I refused to check my grades. I just couldn't bring myself to look. Then, when I finally looked (just a week or so ago), I was utterly shocked and amazed to realize that my grades had actually been great! The best grades of any one semester. So what the fuck was I so worried about?

Anyway, today I drove up to campus to pick up my diploma and, because I didn't bother to check it out before I went, I got there half an hour before the Registrar's Office opened. To pass the time, I went down to the coffee cart and bought myself a decaf Americano and picked up a Tribune to entertain me. That's when I saw Eagle Eye Goldberg, my favorite professor and my biggest law school crush. Yay(!!!!!!!)

I was so happy to see her I almost fell over and, of course, I was dorkilly awkard about it. At first I didn't even see her, I was just waiting for my coffee when I heard my name. I looked up and it was her, looking so sweet and happy to see me. She told me she was reading a book I recommended (No God But God by Reza Aslan, a very good book about Islam) and that she was really enjoying it. I was beside myself with delight and would've followed her off like a little puppy, but she was on her way to teach a first year crim pro class and I was on my way to go wait for the Registrar's Office to open... *sigh*

So then I went over to see if I could still access the internet on the computers in the LRC and that is how I discovered the one and only drawback to finishing school. My password didn't work anymore. Oh well. I read the paper and passed the time and before I knew it, I was standing at the Registrar's desk holding my very own diploma with the very impressive words "Juris Doctor" on it. If the degree says "doctor," how come I am not Dr. Poet now? I don't know, but I'm fighting the urge to start calling myself Reasonably Prudent Poet, Esquire.

I have to admit a mild feeling of melancholy at what is essentially an anticlimax. It is, after all, just a piece of paper. It doesn't even have magic powers. I don't even get to be called "Dr. Poet." But, it's fifty-percent bigger than my college diploma and 100 percent more valueable... maybe 700 percent more valueable. Or, at least, potentially. Now I need a big, gaudy frame to put it in so I can hang it over my desk and stare at it. Maybe that will make me feel better.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your diploma! it IS a magical thing you did.

And crushes on teachers are always fun. I am in undergrad school now and have a crush on one of my professors. She's awesome.

Your blog is great. I've been reading it for a few weeks.

12:31 PM  
Blogger reasonably prudent poet said...

thanks for reading my blog and thanks for liking it. are you a gamecock? have you figured out yet that i hail from your neighbor to the north? are you originally from sc or do you just go there for school?

1:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(I tried to post this comment already, but looks like it didn't work at all. Let's see if can try this again...)

No, I'm not a gamecock, or a tiger. I go to a little Baptist college and live with my parents still.

Yeah, I knew you went to school in North Carolina, because I remember your sweet story about making a friend in the mud. That was cool! You're a wonderful storyteller.

6:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations. That really is huge, even if it's just symbolized by a piece of paper.

6:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's fantastic, Juris Doctor! Well done! I'll definitely be thinking of you as "Esquire" from now on. Huzzah!

9:22 AM  
Blogger reasonably prudent poet said...

thanks scg, you're sweet.

9:24 AM  
Blogger reasonably prudent poet said...

and thanks roro! 'esquire' does have a certain ring, doesn't it? ;-)

9:25 AM  

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