Saturday, June 23, 2007

far be it from me to complain, but...

Ok, it does not be far from me to complain. I admit. And, in keeping, I will now complain briefly about my morning coffee date with my friend Leo.

Leo has a great backyard with trees and flowers and a bricked "patio" and uncomfortable chairs and bird feeders and all things good. Awhile back, she had me over in the morning for coffee and chatting and it was soooooooo lovely. I have been longing to recreate that experience ever since.

So I made it a point to track her down and force her to invite me back for morning coffee this weekend. I called her and texted her and emailed her, I stalked and harrassed the hell out of her for several days, and FINALLY this morning at 10:15 she actually answered her phone and said I could come over.

She asked me on the phone if it was ok if her girlfriend Ember hung out with us too. I like Ember, she's cool, so I said "sure, it's fine if Ember hangs out with us. The more the merrier."

You know what? Not so. It turns out, morning coffee in Leo's backyard is a lot more fun one-on-one. Why? B/c then Leo is free to bitch about Ember or obssess over the latest drama in their relationship. Now, I don't necessarilly have any personal interest in the minutae of their relationship, but Leo gets excited talking about it and that makes me enjoy the chatting more.

However, with Ember in the picture, the conversation was strikingly flat. I had some stories I wanted to tell about my adventures at pride and crashing the rugby party and all that, but as I started to tell them, they just sort of... I don't know... stopped seeming interesting. Something about the stark difference between how well I know Leo contrasted against how little I know Ember... it just wasn't as intimate as I wanted it to be.

The moral of this story? Hanging out with a couple is weird. I know that. I guess I just forgot. Oh well.


Blogger zuhn said...

Couples - killing conversations since Adam and Eve.

9:46 PM  

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