rockin' halloween at work
My Halloween: bags upon bags of candy, crazy people, 80's karaoke, jack-o-lanterns, chips n salsa, dancing, dancing, dancing. All this and I'm at work, people, I'm getting paid for this. I love my job sometimes.
"We are a small and lonely human race/ Showing no sign of mastering solitude/ Out on this stony planet that we farm./ The most that we can do for one another/ Is let our blunders and our blind mischances/ Argue a certain brusque abrupt compassion./ We might as well be truthful.../" From "Stepping Backward" -- a poem by Adrienne Rich
And here I was thinking, she is a better person than I. I should be taking any job I can find but I can't imagine doing what RPP does. Guess that's why there are plain, ridged, sour cream and onion, bbq, cheddar, salt & vinegar - well you get the point.
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