Monday, December 04, 2006

countdown to done

Seventeen days left until the end of my last semester of law school. I went to the campus bookstore today to buy a study aid for my Civil Rights Litigation class, but they were all out of the book I needed. They did not apologize, they did not offer to go look in the storeroom, they just said, "looks like we're out," and walked away. Both of them.

When I worked for Whole Foods, I ALWAYS told the customer I'd check in the back for something even when I was absolutely, one-hundred percent sure we didn't have any more of it. Why? Because the psychological value to the customer is immense. They think you care about helping them and they are more likely to believe you when you tell them you really are out. You heartilly apologize and offer options: another shipment will come Monday, you can special order it, I can call our other store across town and see if they have it, etc. HELLO, customer service, people!

Anyway, I just took it as a sign from Jesus that I wasn't supposed to sink nearly thirty bucks into a study aid that might not even help that much. Then I went to the library to print out my reading for class tomorrow and saw that the computer lab was closed. CLOSED! I thought for a minute that I must actually be in the middle of one of those anxiety dreams where everything goes horribly wrong and you wake up in a panic. But no. It was real. The forces of the world are officially conspiring against me, but I will persevere. I have come too far to turn back now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

congratulations brainy brilliant you, on your coming into completing law school prudent poet, that is a spirited and wonderful achievement - enjoy the exams...?!

1:29 AM  

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