Saturday, July 07, 2007

war and peace... and lesbians?

"From that day there sprang up between Princess Marya and Natasha one of those tender and passionate friendships which can only exist between women. They were continually kissing each other and saying tender things to one another, and they spent the greater part of their time together. If one went away, the other was uneasy and hastened to join her. They felt more harmony together with each other than apart, each with herself. There sprang between them a feeling stronger than friendship; that was the feeling of life being only possible in each other's company."

From pg. 1231 of The Modern Library Classics edition (Constance Garnett's translation) of War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy.


Blogger stumptown dreamer said...

oh no, a summer cold.... me too, a little post air conditioning/heatwave cold from athens.
taking vitamin c, sleeping, hope you get to do the same. it is weird, i agree.... to be sickly in the sunshine....
thinking of you

2:22 PM  
Blogger stumptown dreamer said...

"the feeling of life being only possible in each other's company".... that is beautiful.
Leo outdid himself with that phrase...
i might steal it from him one day.


2:25 PM  

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