new toy
Now that I have a blackberry I can blog while I'm walking the dog and stuff. Do you think the dog will notice?
"We are a small and lonely human race/ Showing no sign of mastering solitude/ Out on this stony planet that we farm./ The most that we can do for one another/ Is let our blunders and our blind mischances/ Argue a certain brusque abrupt compassion./ We might as well be truthful.../" From "Stepping Backward" -- a poem by Adrienne Rich
Only if you trip and fall on the dog while blogging.
I'm jealous of your Blackberry. I could blog the shit out of my dog walks!! I'm going to complain to Kate right now...
no, roro. if you have the means to get a new toy go for the iphone. side-by-side, the iphone WAY out-performs the blackberry. in a vacuum the blackberry is awesome. next to the iphone it's a piece of shit. i only got it b/c it was cheaper and easier (with my cell contract, etc) than getting an iphone.
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