Wednesday, December 07, 2005

the family approves

A bit ago I sent a little dispatch to CB's youngest son, who is 20. He and I are relatively tight, considering I "married" his mom and he doesn't have any reason to like me at all, except that he does. I know CB has told him of our plight, but I have no idea exactly what she's told him and I was worried he would hate me. Fortunately, it seems, the whole family is familiar with her patterns and they've all just been waiting for me to fold. Funny and sad. This son (we'll call him little T) wrote back and told me everybody understands where I'm coming from. He also told me his dad (who we'll call Big Al) still wants to get together and play music with me. Big Al used to be in a reggae band and now he's a systems analyst. I guess it pays the bills. But he's always trying to get to come over and play guitar with him. It's kind of sweet, actually. If I wanted, I could probably have a closer ongoing relationship with CB's immediate family than she has.

Oh, and I lost the studio, but it's ok. Something about it didn't feel right. I'm constantly reevaluating my plan anyway. And there are tons of housing options on Craigslist. And with the thousand dollar loan waiting for me, no strings attached, I feel pretty comfortable about everything. It's a good place to be.


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