Sunday, April 23, 2006

disturbingly accurate word of the day


Main Entry: co·de·pen·den·cy
Pronunciation: -d&n(t)-sE
Function: noun
: a psychological condition or a relationship in which a person is controlled or manipulated by another who is affected with a pathological condition (as an addiction to alcohol or heroin)

Wow. It is important to know that I had decided to back down from my recent proclamation that my relationship w/ CB had been codependent. I was getting on here to write about how it hadn't really been codependent, it had just failed as a relationship. So, I went to my trusty Merriam Webster site to get a definition of codependency that would be so obviously at odds w/ the reality of my relationship w/ CB, the foolishness of calling the relationship codependent would be obvious.


As you can see, that is *not* how it worked out. The definition of codependency describes my relationship with CB to a "T." I'm a social worker! How could I not have seen this from a mile away?!? (Duh -- b/c I was *not* a mile away. I was in it. And it's harder to see things when you're in them.)



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