Tuesday, August 15, 2006

my fifteen minutes, winding down...

I did more than just a double-take this morning when I clicked on my sitemeter and saw that I'd already had 92 visitors on this blog by 10am. I rubbed my eyes and hit refresh. Ha, ha. Sitemeter thinks I've had 92 visitors. Must be on the blink.

I opened the page that shows me the details and there they were, page upon page of different visitors, *actual* visitors to my blog. I clicked several to see where they were all coming from. Turns out they were all coming from the same source: Jack Bog's Blog. I checked his site and there it was: a quote from my post of last night, "cutters," with a link.

Jack Bog was my tax professor last year and also writes a very popular Portland blog which usually addresses issues of local politics. When this blog of mine was just a baby, I wrote him and asked if he'd take a look at it and if he liked it, I asked if he'd post a link to it on his blog. I wasn't sure if he would have any concept of who I was (as a student in his Income Tax class) and, when I didn't hear back from him for a very long time, I became terrified that I'd accidentally breached some honor code principle by contacting a professor personally during exam time. I kept waiting to get a reproving message from him, asking what I'd been thinking and threatening to turn me in to the associate dean in charge of scaring the shit out of you and kicking you out of school.

That never happened and before long, I noticed a link to my blog on Jack's site. I was thrilled. I felt as excited as I would've felt if I'd learned a poetry journal had accepted one of my submissions. I anticipated a steady stream of new visitors to my blog and certainly I've had visitors come from Jack's blog, but only a handful over the months since he posted the link. That is until today. With the quote from my blog in his first post of the day, the hits were rolling in like crazy and I felt dizzy imagining all the people who were suddenly reading last night's late and sleepy ramblings. It was like waking up to find my name in the paper with the phone ringing off the hook, suddenly, if briefly, in demand.

The hits to my blog kept coming fast and furious for a few hours, but have slowly petered down to a trickle. Jack has posted a few new items and now the quote from my blog is buried a bit and fewer people are clicking the link to check it out. At last count, 144 people had visited my site today. My little site, which currently has an average of 14 hits per day (and a good chunk of them are just me and SK...) Amazing. So, thanks for the traffic, Jack. For just a moment, I felt almost like a celebrity.


Blogger Jack Bog said...

It's great stuff. Just keep writing. Do be careful not to get yourself "dooced," though...

12:07 AM  

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