Sunday, October 08, 2006

unruly word of the day

Last night I went to a really bad performance art piece and the party after. I wanted to like the party, but it was challenging for many layers of reasons. However, I heard a great word at the party that sums up so much of my mostly suppressed energy last night and here it is. If I got one thing out the party, it was this word:


Main Entry: ob·strep·er·ous
Pronunciation: &b-'stre-p(&-)r&s, äb-
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin obstreperus, from obstrepere to clamor against, from ob- against + strepere to make a noise
1 : marked by unruly or aggressive noisiness : CLAMOROUS (obstreperous merriment)
2 : stubbornly resistant to control : UNRULY
synonym see VOCIFEROUS
- ob·strep·er·ous·ly adverb
- ob·strep·er·ous·ness noun


Blogger stumptown dreamer said...

sorry about the bad party and the even worse performance... i will not subject you to such a thing every again... i await your sweet revenge!!

3:37 PM  

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