word of the day from on high
Pronunciation: su-'p&r-n&l
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French supernel, from Latin supernus, from super over, above -- more at OVER
1 a : being or coming from on high b : HEAVENLY, ETHEREAL (supernal melodies) c : superlatively good (supernal trumpet playing)
2 : located in or belonging to the sky
As the sun sets, here's hoping everybody who looked within and talked to g-d for Yom Kippur has been given the OK for another year on the planet. Mazel Tov!
Pronunciation: su-'p&r-n&l
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French supernel, from Latin supernus, from super over, above -- more at OVER
1 a : being or coming from on high b : HEAVENLY, ETHEREAL (supernal melodies) c : superlatively good (supernal trumpet playing)
2 : located in or belonging to the sky
As the sun sets, here's hoping everybody who looked within and talked to g-d for Yom Kippur has been given the OK for another year on the planet. Mazel Tov!
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