Sunday, October 01, 2006

the good of this day

Another gorgeous early fall day. Slipping past the last of Indian summer, the air is more crisp and more leaves are falling, but the sun is still bright and the sky is still blue. It's lovely. I spent the day in SK's new basement, putting together bookshelves while she unpacked and rearranged things. Now I am home and she is home and we are in different homes. She's napping and preparing for a meeting tonight and I'm supposed to be studying.

I don't want to study. It's the first day of October and I want to carve a pumpkin and put up the rest of my halloween decorations. Halloween is my favorite holiday and I know from many years of experience that if I don't really jump on it these first days of October, I'll lose the feeling before it ever has a chance to grab me. I'm fickle that way. I put up a couple of skeletons last night and SK (being English and not having grown up with halloween) watched in amusement.

Meanwhile it's Yom Kippur, beginning at sundown, and I suppose I should consider my past year's behavior and wonder whether I'm worthy to live another year. Or, perhaps I should remember I'm not Jewish and do something else tonight instead... like study. I'd easily rather celebrate Yom Kippur than study. But then it would be for all the wrong reasons...

Remember last spring when I was hell bent on celebrating Lent (no pun or rhyme intended)? What was that about? I'm fascinated by religious holidays. Even though I was raised Christian (Mormon for a good chunk of it), we never really had religious celebrations of holidays. Easter was more or less a holiday of candy and Christmas was a holiday of presents, even though we basically understood what those holidays were "really" about. I think I long for the deeper thing, the deeper meaning behind religious holiday rituals. So I'm curious about Yom Kippur and I suppose, while I'm at it, I should look into Ramadan. And, you know, I guess it says something about my secular upbringing that Halloween manages to be my favorite "holiday."

Though, I am scorpio, after all. The sign of death and transformation. It's only natural that my favorite holiday would be about death and dressing up in costumes. God I love Halloween. I'm gonna go buy a pumpkin, I can't take the wait and I don't want to study anyway. And if I can get it before sundown, then I can get home in time to start working on Yom Kippur too... Shalom.


Blogger stumptown dreamer said...

Shalom to you too
been thinking about what exactly it is when we talk to G-d today, asking for some guidance, some relevance, some direction and some evaluation that takes us into the next 365 days.
my inner worlds have given me the AOK by the way, and as something of G-d myself i would like to pass that along also to you

4:58 PM  

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