Tuesday, September 26, 2006

wastin' away again...

This is hardly Margaritaville, but I do feel like I'm wasting away. It's nearly 1am and I am still at work. My replacement overslept and is on his way here now, but I'll be stuck here until my next bus at 1:36am. And that damn Margaritaville song is going over and over in my head. Make it stop!!!

I've got a kind of grueling schedule, but at least I don't have early mornings. In fact, I could sleep in quite late tomorrow with only minor ramifications, the biggest of which would be the feeling of wasting my day, which brings me back to my theme song of the evening. Wastin' away again in oversleepingville.

Wouldn't hurt. I'm underslept and this post is proof. Rambly rambly. I just saw a picture from a Lewis and Clark Law School graduation on someone else's blog and now I'm slightly regretting that I am boycotting my graduation ceremony in December. The robe you get to wear is a serious upgrade from my completely plain black robe of college or the plain and really cheap navy blue robe of high school. It has billowy sleeves with purple swaths over them and something that looks like an orange hood hanging far down in the back.

For two seconds I think maybe I should go to the ceremony just so I can wear the cool robe... and then I remember that the cool robe will probably cost me 150 bucks and I think, you know, fuck the cool robe, maybe I'll just go out for a nice dinner and... you know... use the rest of the money for groceries or to pay my rent or something legitimate. I don't know. I'm not much for pomp and circumstance. Well, maybe circumstance, but pomp can go to hell.

Yeah. I need to go home and get some sleep. This is ridiculous.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The robe is free, unless you try to keep it (they want some obscene amount of money for it -- like $400). The downside of graduation in December is that commencement is only in May (the December grads walk with the May grads), and it's hot as hell in those robes.

But they are pretty, and it's also fun to see the professors in their robes from their various schools.

7:18 AM  

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