Saturday, September 30, 2006


Just so you know, work was really weird this week. I like to write about my work because, personally, I think it's interesting. Three of our clients got kicked out this week and I was the one who called 911 for one of them. She said she was going to kick my ass, which is a threat I didn't even hear, but the bossman heard it and he said "call 911, she just threatened you."

Usually it takes more than the drunken mutterings of an angry client to get the cops involved, but we'd been trying for almost an hour by that point to exit her from the building after she'd been told she was kicked out of the program and she was showing no signs of leaving. In fact, she was only digging her heels in.

The weirdest thing of all about that was the striking resemblence that woman had to my dear old ex, CB. Unless you've ever known a real, true drunk (not just somebody with a drinking problem, not just a frat boy who goes on binges, not just all my friends of three to five years ago who used to drink to excess several nights a week and then drive home like assholes, but a real, bonafide "walking drunk" who is always, any time of day, just a little bit sauced) unless you've ever really known a drunk, you can't know the totally twisted vortex their always altered reality creates.

I walked into the room to ask this woman to leave last week and her behavior, her affect, her language, her defensiveness, her slipperiness, her lying, her intentional "misunderstanding," her combative attitude, her rapid switches between hostility and tearfulness, her sheer manipulation of every emotion available -- it was like looking back in time at CB last year when she was in the middle of her bender. It gave me a shivver of disgust. Thank god I got out of that and no wonder it still mystifies me. CB went from being my kind of wild and irrepressible yet still human partner, to being a completely self-involved, constantly drunk, emotional whirlpool of a pickled fucking zombie, practically overnight, and it lasted months. Word on the street, a year later: she looks awful. Which does not indicate to me that she's gotten her shit together any since the last time I saw her which was January.

So... yeah. Work is weird and especially weird when it mirrors real life. The good thing though, after booting three of the most troubling folks (all for legitimate reasons and by legitimate channels, don't worry) things ought to calm down a bit down there. Then maybe I can get some homework done on my shift. I mean, don't those people realize I have things *besides* work to do while I'm working?? Geez

** NOTE ** Speaking of work, a post I wrote from work during the week but lost has miraculously turned up. It's a few posts down and called "every little step." It's a thrilling account of my preparation for writing group at work and a plug for our writing group blog. Please. Go read that post. It feels lonely because blogger is a piece of shit and kept it locked in an e-closet for several days before releasing it to my blog. Damn you blogger. Damn you to hell.


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