nuts and bolts
How grounding, the details of life. Today I spent a lot of time at the mall trying to buy a cell phone. I hate cell phones, but need something since I'm temporarily homeless. First, I went to work where I realized we were over-booked. So I left and went straight to the mall. Sadly, malls aren't open that early. Rather, the malls are open, but the stores inside are not. I walked through, feeling foolish yet hopeful, at 8:30am. There were ice-skating girls on the mall's rink, so young, with long, skinny legs like deer. They moved swiftly, efficiently, while older, female instructors cajoled them through new moves. I was impressed. The youngest was probably seven. She skated backward, spun, skated forward, leapt into the air and spun, landed perfectly, skated off to only to do it again. I remembered ice-skating, only once. I was 19. My ankles were weak but I managed. It was fun, like roller skating. But then I got brave, tried to do cross-overs as I rounded my curves and fell, repeatedly. I left with a bleeding knee, but I'd had fun.
I bought coffee and realized the stores wouldn't open for another hour and a half. That's when I left. Errands, the bank, etc. Back to the mall. And now I have a cell phone on the pay-as-you-go plan. Rather than study, I came back to my little cold, upstairs haven and figured out my ring-tone, input numbers, created my outgoing voice-message. Then a shower. The best, warmest, most comfortable shower ever. I need to remember: if I'm ever in doubt about whether I need a shower (especially when I'm reluctant due to feeling cold or sick) always take the shower. It will always make me feel better.
Oh -- and I learned today that Jupiter has entered my sign (Scorpio) as of late October and will remain there for a year. This will, apparently, bring magical things into my life and occurs for each sign every 12 years. Last time for Scorpio was late '93-'94. And I have to say, that was a great time. I was finally out of my mother's house, out of my shitty town, out of a crusty depression, etc, etc. A freshman at college, with my first girlfriend, feeling alive and thrilled with everything around me. Funny to look back at what seemed so wonderful then, but -- can't wait to see what's coming this time.
I bought coffee and realized the stores wouldn't open for another hour and a half. That's when I left. Errands, the bank, etc. Back to the mall. And now I have a cell phone on the pay-as-you-go plan. Rather than study, I came back to my little cold, upstairs haven and figured out my ring-tone, input numbers, created my outgoing voice-message. Then a shower. The best, warmest, most comfortable shower ever. I need to remember: if I'm ever in doubt about whether I need a shower (especially when I'm reluctant due to feeling cold or sick) always take the shower. It will always make me feel better.
Oh -- and I learned today that Jupiter has entered my sign (Scorpio) as of late October and will remain there for a year. This will, apparently, bring magical things into my life and occurs for each sign every 12 years. Last time for Scorpio was late '93-'94. And I have to say, that was a great time. I was finally out of my mother's house, out of my shitty town, out of a crusty depression, etc, etc. A freshman at college, with my first girlfriend, feeling alive and thrilled with everything around me. Funny to look back at what seemed so wonderful then, but -- can't wait to see what's coming this time.
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